Saturday, February 24, 2018


I've been thinking a lot lately about the word "disabled" and what it means to me & others. I've been binge watching Jessica Kellgren-Fozard on Youtube. She's a disabled TV Presenter who makes a lot of videos about day to day life as a disabled lesbian. Her videos have been introducing me into a new way of thinking about my problems. For instance, she has a video titled "Are You Disabled Enough?" and this is something that I've struggled with in the past.

Am I disabled ENOUGH to say I'm disabled? In the video she brings up the definition of the word 'disabled'

(of a person) having a physical or mental condition that limits movements, senses, or activities.

Well, according to that.. I am. I may not be disabled enough to legally get disability checks every month, but I'm disabled. Besides, the reason the rules are so tight on getting disability is just because the government doesn't want *everyone* on it, right? It's not really proof of whether you're disabled enough to be disabled, is it?

So. Here I am.
Twenty seven, almost twenty eight (couple more weeks!) and I'm disabled.
I have degenerative disc disease & arthritis throughout my spine. I have a titanium plate in my neck to correct two herniated discs that were pressing on my spinal column. There are 3 discs messed up in my mid-back, and 4 in my low back at different degrees of being a problem.

Additionally I have Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) & Anxiety Disorder.

Yes, all of this is actually diagnosed not self diagnosed.